Sunday, January 11, 2015

Closing the window

So for 7 days I have been able to avoid white flour and white sugar products before noon.  A baby step, yes, but a step in the right direction nonetheless.  The good news is that I have NOT gone completely gluttonous at 12:01 PM!  I did have a little "episode" with gf cookies that I bought "for my son," but beyond that, I have been pretty good...avoiding white flour products 98-100% of the time during the remainder of my day.  As I have "studied" myself in this first short jaunt of my journey, however, I have realized that evening snacking is another area that requires attention.  Again, for the most part, the good news here is that, on most evenings, my preferred white food product is popcorn.  It's a little bit of a fettish actually, and though popcorn lacks in super "nutritiousness," it's not as bad as other choices I have made, and it is definitely not a food I'm ready to leave behind this early in the game!  That said, the bad news is that I have a problem with using chocolate as a reward in the evening (see below)!  So, you may be wondering... I was supposed to be rid of "holiday bootie" and the like... my house supposedly having gone through a "cleanse" all of its own around January 3 or 4???!!!! Not exactly, because lurking in the freezer is "Halloween bootie" that I confiscated from my children's  ( note: we have 5... 4 of whom were Halloween candy collectors this year) candy bags in the guise of the "switch witch" (she takes all that "bad candy" and leaves behind a toy).  Instead of tossing the candy, I parsed out the chocolate and carefully stowed it away into the freezer, in case of an "emergency."  I think that is how I explained it to my dear husband, who was standing by for "moral support?"  Addict-like behavior.  So tonight, right before I sat down to lesson plan for our upcoming week at homeschool, I snuck away to the entrails of the chest freezer hidden within the dark place that is our basement and stuffed three "fun size" bars into my bathrobe pocket.  A few minutes later (after sufficient thawing time...not a fan of frozen candy bars), I dealt with my "emergency," washing it down with some silky smooth almond milk.  So the point of all this yadayadayada... STEP 4--- no white sugar/white flour after dinner!  (And the switch witch chocolate will go the way of the Holiday goodies... My husband's office).  I want to close that window of time to bad "white snacking" and open it to drinking water and eating fruit or veggies or nothing at all. This will be a bit painful for me, but it's all part of the journey... here we go....

1 comment:

  1. 4 words for you: Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter. If you can't find it locally, I will send you some. So much better than snickers:)
    Here's the link
