Monday, December 29, 2014


"I cannot go to school today said little Peggy Ann McCay, I have the measles and the mumps, a gash, a rash and purple bumps..." You may be familiar with this children's poem by Shel Silverstein titled, "Sick."  In the end, it turns out Peggy is really not sick at all, just really adamant about not going to school.  Unfortunately, unlike Peggy, I have had many physical complaints over the last few years, that are not just made up excuses, but real, inconvenient complaints that impede me from living my life to the fullest.  Fatigue, joint and muscular pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, nausea, constipation, irritability, mood swings, suppressed immunity, sluggish lymphatic function and yeast infections comprise my list of ailments that I have been dealing with in an ongoing way.  When I have sought help from a naturopathic chiropractor, he has always askedhow my diet is going.  When I research managing my symptoms there is a comon theme...(which I now paraphrase), "White refined flour and sugar exacerbate these conditions... They should be removed from the diet."   In response I have attempted to remove these items from my diet, time and time again, but I have been unable to make any permanent changes.  At one time, I did commit to a paleo diet for approximately 6 weeks... Indeed, I felt ahhhhhmazing!  A child's birthday party, some other type of social get together or the advent of a new pregnancy came around and all my good habits eventually disintegrated.  Here I am again,  I recently visited my chiropractor, bothered by candida related issues, his testing revealed sensitivity to wheat.  I have had a rough go with things the past few weeks -- UTI, flu, yeast infection and lingering aches and pains --- the time seems ripe to have another go at it... Fresh fruits, veggies, unprocessed whole foods and removal of the "whites" (sugar/flour) from my diet.  This time, I think I may be desperate and I figured a blog just may give me some sense of accountability... We'll see--- my journey officially starts in two more days.

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